2014- Year in Review

May 13, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Wow... I can hardly believe we're nearly 5 months into 2015 and here I am finally blogging about 2014! 


2014 was a wonderful year- a year of change, travel, romance, spiritual growth, maturity, learning lessons of suffering and patience... and also expanding my photography horizons. Here are a few images from the year:


January 2014

A Post Wedding Session with my Sister and her new husband

Engagement Session with Susanna Sturtevant and Byron Albright

A fun winter session with my Cousin Ben and his girlfriend Brenda(they're now engaged and I'll be doing their engagement pix soon!) 

My 2nd trip to Mexico... this time to Tobasco and Chiapas 

February 2014

I did a photo session for my sister, Merilee, for her recording project. "Cri de Couer"  (meaning "cry of the heart") 

March 2014

A quick trip to a Californian Youth Conference and also Malibu Beach 

April 2014

Caleb-2014 Senior 

May 2014

Shooting at Frankfort Lagoons with my best friend and sister-in-law, Joanna :)

June 2014

Jordan and Jessica Price - 6.14.14



Alyssa and Clinton- engagement session

Wrightwood, CA

Santa Monica Beach, CA July 2014 

Marissa- 2015 Senior

Mr & Mrs Justin Miller 7.25.14

August 2014 

I bought a house and started a full time job and began working 50-60 hours a week. This was a chapter of growing, witnessing, maturing, and trusting God.

September 2014 

Another Nephew was born into my family on September 6th. 

Jaron Lewis Barnard 

October 2014 

Photo Session with My sister and Family and their expected little one :) 

She's Here!!!

Kinza Mercy Joan McCarthy - 10.14.14 

Smith Bunch

Fun Fall Photo with my Cousin Andrew, and his wife Maria and son Samuel 

Mr & Mrs Logan Meenach 10.24.14


November 2014 

Eckelbarger Family

Hannah and Jonathan- engagement Session

December 2014


I ended the year with another romantic, beautiful Christmas wedding (like last year). And the wedding was so awesome because it was in Phoenix and the couple flew me out for it! 

Mr & Mrs Clinton Fitch! 12.13.14

And to summarize- I will give a small snippet of the way my year ended 10 days after I shot this wedding :) 

It ended with a romance that officially began on Christmas Day as I began dating Wayne Hill, a young man from my church whom I have known since I was 5 years old. Though the relationship has only been transpiring for 5 months now, truly I can see the hand of God in both of our lives, and I'm excited to see how God will lead us in the future.

Wayne Hill and Jonelle Barnard (Me:)) - Christmas Day 2014  

And though my year may have been exciting, and one of the best years of my life- through it all I can say that God is enough, and whatever chapters God may lead me to begin, whatever happiness or sorrow He chooses to give me; I can testify that He has been enough and WILL be enough to meet every need- to sustain through every circumstance.


Well, Goodbye from an in-love, distracted, world-traveling, procrastinating photographer who is endeavoring to stay in step with Jesus, while adjusting to the new phases of life, and well, everything else in between!




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