Playing with My White Balance

September 23, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Okay, so if you're not into photography, than this post probably isn't for you! :/ Have you Ever noticed when a photo has a really, really cold and blue look to it? Believe it or not, most of the time, this is an indication of a white balance error. And what's even more amazing is that it is so super easy to fix this on your computer! All you simply have to do, (if you have any basic editing program like Lightroom or even photos on the iPhone) is click on the "white Balance" and turn your temperature up, and play with your tint until it looks like it is within the right color balance of the original scene.


Here is an example of a white balance error my camera made and how I fixed it! 

(Okay, so this pict is a little blurry... It wasn't a keeper- but it's similar to the one just like it that I fixed, and I'm not lying, this was the original light I was working with!) 


Image 1- dark, blurry and cold white balance 

Photo Taken in July 2012 at around 9pm.


Taken with my Canon 7D with a canon 85mm 2.8 lens


Image 2- Now it has great light and normal white balance. In Literally about 2 clicks on my computer I had it fixed! It also helps if you shoot in RAW on your DSLR. :) 

Pretty incredible difference huh? So... I guess the story just goes to show that you never really know what an original image looks like before the photographer takes it into a digital darkroom. :) As much as I love to shoot and not edit and edit my images in Lightroom, it's always nice to know that these simple fixes can be made... And better yet, they're so easy too :)  


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