Considering it's been nearly 5.5 months since I got back... I think it's high time I should post about this astounding trip I took :)
Since I was about 10 years old, it has been a dream of mine to take a foreign missions trip with My Grandfather, Rev. Lewis Smith (My Mother's Father). Last summer (2014) it dawned on me that grandpa is getting up in years, and I better make this happen! So we began talking and discussing where to go and I finally told grandpa to choose.... and of course automatically his first choice was South Africa and Lesotho. In September, we bought our tickets and began making preparations for the trip in March.
Originally, we had planned to go for 5 weeks.... Honestly, I do NOT know what I was thinking. Yes, it may seem exciting to go to a foreign country for a month and a week... but I wasn't thinking about being halfway around the globe to a place where I had never been with little to no internet access, phone calls, etc., Anyway, in February we found out that the local missionaries we would be staying with would have to be coming back to the states 2 weeks early because of visa complications. So... to make a short story long. We ended up changing our tickets to 3 weeks.
The airplane ride was an experience in and of itself. Being trapped in a plane with 300 other passengers for 16 hours. Wow. But nonetheless, it was memorable time with Grandpa as we anxiously awaited our arrival to Africa.
First morning in Africa! Thursday- March 5, 2015
That afternoon we visited Golden Gate National Park. This is the most breathtakingly gorgeous place I have been to in the entire world. And I am not joking. Pictures do not do this place justice. I have been to nearly 40 states, visited Mexico 2x, Canada 2x, and now have visited South Africa and Lesotho. This is my favorite spot so far.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Youth Campfire Marshmallow Roast
Bro Miller really had a time with these young people constantly filling up their sticks with fresh 'mellows :)
On Sunday March 8, 2015, I attended the Afrikaskop Church and in the Afternoon we had a farm service in a village house an hour drive away from Afrikaskop.
Farm Service
Before Lunch on Sunday, I went with some of my new friends to see their house across the farm.
Through the week we would make trips into to do grocery shopping, run errands, and make preparations for ministering to the young people on the weekend. We had farm services through the week as well... here are a few of the photos I took of these random market places.
Grandpa and I both spoke to school children on different occasions. he spoke to the Christian Day school children and we also both spoke to a local public school with about 200+ children in attendance! Very Scary speaking to that many people on this tall podium! The experience was good for me and God helped me :)
We also did a lot of painting in one of the parsonages and also the church. Some of the village children were very intrigued by what we were doing. :)
Farm service....
The local public school that Grandpa and I both spoke at ...
On Thursday, March 12, Bro Miller took Grandpa and I to Willem Pretorius, another wildlife reserve in South Africa. This reserve has many different animals with acres and acres of beauty. The drive to the reserve was about 3 hours, and we drove around in the park for close to 3 hours... it was such a neat experience!
Below is pictured a herd of cape buffalo. There are approximately 120 in this herd.
Baboons playing by a water reservoir
This coodoo looked up at me at just the right moment. I'll say this is probably my favorite wildlife picture from the trip! :)
One of the evenings... the sky was really clear and you could see soo many stars. The scene was just breathtaking.
Bible Study in Kestell on Saturday...
Another Sunday....
The last weekend I was in Africa, Grandpa and I visited Lesotho. The Miller's kindly made the long 3.5 hour drive each way to take us there! And then Glenn Gault took us home. We had a wonderful time with Glenn and Stephanie Gault and their sweet children. They are such sweet missionaries!
Africa's Seasons are totally opposite of ours. So in march while America is going through Spring, Africa is going through Fall. And then in the summer while we endure the heat... in the middle of July in Africa, temperatures can swoop down in the 20's!
On Friday, March 20, they took us into the Mountains and we also got to see the Mighty Mohale Dam.
Glenn and Stephanie Gault, Kaitlynn and Kristell
On Saturday night, March 21, we drove to a remote village and attended a tent meeting that one of the local pastors had organized. This service was a highlight of the trip for me. The response of the people and the presence of God was so strong. It was like something I had read about in a missionary book, only this time, I was the one experiencing it! Many were hungry for the gospel and souls were saved during this brief tent meeting! I felt so privileged I got to attend. My pictures are not too good as the lighting was very poor in the tent and it was quite dark out by the time we got there and the service had started...
On the drive to the tent meeting...
Glenn speaking to the people
And now my Grandpa! People were amazed at his ability to get around at nearly 90 years old!
Choirs singing songs of praise....
And here are a few images of the village of Matukeng, Lesotho. This is the village Glenn and Stephanie live in.
These children were so happy to see me and also get to get their photo taken!
On Sunday we got up early and drove to another village about 2 hours away to set up a tent and have a service. I loved coming to this place. Many of the people had not been attending long, but were very hungry for the gospel and some stayed to pray and seek God. The Gaults had only been having services here for about 4 months when I came, and already they were running over 50 in attendance!
Glenn teaching the children a Sunday School lesson
And then after Service was all over... we had an africa lunch and then told our new friends goodbye.
On Tuesday Morning, March 24, It was time to say goodbye's to all our African Friends. This was a bittersweet time. I was happy to go home, but had made some very sweet friends and I was sad to say bye.
Bro Miller and Bro Thabo
A last look at the Miller's house and the beautiful farm property they live on!
Saying goodbye to my precious friends, Angelina and Malifu.
And now for the long journey to the airport in the back of the truck! This was actually kinda fun, but also a bit small and cramped! Haha! :)