Happy Birthday....

November 08, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

This post may seem a little random to some, but for me, it is more than appropriate! Today is Jo Ann Thrasher's birthday. You may ask, "Who in the world is She?" Well, that's why I'm making this post up. 

Jo Ann holds a very special place in my heart. Our friendship began about 3.5 years ago when I had first embarked on my journey of photography. I had known her previously, but only at a distance. We began emailing and she began criticizing and complimenting my photography to help me. Yes, I admit, sometimes it hurt when she told me a photo looked bad. (well, she didn't exactly say that, but overall that's what she meant). And then sometimes she really 'creamed' my photos up, and now when I look at them I wonder how she could have been so nice? Well anyway, I'm gonna stop rambling and let you take a peek at this beautiful friend of mine( and yes, she is beautiful, inside and out!)

 This photo was obviously taken by me, but actually the reason behind the photo is kinda funny. One day I was at her house, and I was telling her I wanted to get better at portrait photography... she said: "practice on me". So I did. And here is the result. 

As I look at this photo, I'm reminded of the time we got up at 4 o 'clock in the morning to go to Lake Michigan to shoot! Wow! We were so tired but it was so worth it! 

Jo Ann and I played with this photo in Photoshop and added this star... this photo was from a shoot on Lake Michigan on a VERY cold day in February! 


Shooting out in the snow together... 

2 years in a row, Jo Ann and I have both shot I.C.H.A. youth camp together. We have had so much fun doing this! Here she is shooting the stars and stiffs softball game. (I'll admit, she had a lot more energy than me on this day... I was plum tired and not in the mood to shoot.) 

Have to mention her husband, Scott. If Jesus ever sends me a help mate, I really hope I get one as good as him. Scott and Jo Ann are one of the most in love couples that I have ever seen! This shot was also taken at youth camp after we were done shooting one of the after glows. 

Through the years, our friendship has gone far beyond gaining photo tips from one another by email and text messaging.  Jo Ann has become a dear friend who I cry with, laugh with, and someone I spend A LOT of time with. I'll go and spend a week with her and we'll just shoot, shoot, shoot. As you can well imagine, she is someone who has willingly opened up her home, her heart, and her time to me... 

Oh, and did I mention that she's honestly one of the funnest people that I know of to be around?   


I think I could go on and on about her to tell of her wonderful qualities and how much I love her...  But I'm not going to embarrass her anymore than  I already have. So, here is my little word of greeting to my friend Jo Ann on her birthday.. Happy Birthday Jo Ann!!!- I love you bunches! 




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