From Coast to Coast

May 24, 2012  •  1 Comment

I have seen the Atlantic Ocean many times... I have been from Maine all the way down to Jupiter Island, Florida. I think it is so neat that I have now had the privilege of traveling in the United States literally from East to West! 

On my senior trip in May 2010

Photo taken in Yorke, Maine

With my Cousin Elizabeth, (to the right) and my cousin Kristy, (in the middle) in Maine... wow these photos bring back sweet memories! 

Supposedly one of the most photographed lighthouses in the United States... I wasn't real into landscape photography back then so the quality isn't real great... :( 

Sunrise on the Atlantic ocean in Hobe Sound, Florida (This beach was literally within walking distance of Jupiter Island:))


This photo was actually just before sunrise.. the fisherman made for a nice composition to my photograph

Photograph taken in March 2011

This picture is probably my favorite... I love how the water looks! 

And now.... across the United States at Sunset!

The Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica, California 

We got to the beach literally  about 15 min before the sunset! I was praying hard as were going through rush hour traffic in L.A.! God answered my prayer... for which I am grateful! 

Just a little extra pic for you to see...

this was taken at 10:30 at night... no joke! I did an experiment and put my camera on a tripod and set the exposure at 30 seconds and this is what I got!!!! Some people didn't believe me! I did though.. you ask my friends(if you can figure out who they are:)

If you look at the top of the photo... you will see the stars that were out that night. 

Photos taken in Hobe Sound, Florida March 2011

Took this photo shortly after the one above it... 


Emily Albertson(non-registered)
Jonelle, Beautiful pictures! I love the sunrise ones especially!
I've wanted to see the ocean for a long time, (with a camera in my hands) so hopefully I will get to sometime soon. I love lighthouses and the ocean. They make marvelous pictures!
Thanks for posting!
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