Spivey Revival In Mesa, AZ

May 21, 2012  •  Leave a Comment


Our initial plans after leaving the Grand Canyon(we were only at the grand canyon one afternoon and then the next morning for an hour by the way), were to do a revival at David Spivey's Church in Mesa, AZ. God helped us in a glorious way in that revival and I am so thankful. It was a 10 day meeting- which is a little unusual- but as I already mentioned, God really came and helped. Because it was the sole reason of why we went out west, I felt that I had  to include some photos of Pastor David and his family, my cousin Andrew, and of course some of the church and a little about what happened. :) 


Pastor David and his Family... 

"Uncle" Andrew with his little friends... (they call him "uncle Andrew" even though he's not technically their uncle) 
not really the best picture of the church but it will have to do.... 
During one of the services.... 
This is a spanish pastor that rents the church out on Sunday afternoons... we really liked this sweet couple... they seemed, and were, so a 'part' of us!!! 
Here is Cayden, the oldest Spivey munch gin :) 
Here is Keegan .... 
And Cameron... love this little tot... he's so adorable and fun-loving!
And last but not least, the baby of the family, Marin Rose... she is a doll baby!!! 
wow... she is a little twerp! sticking that little tongue out an all' 
Thank you, Spivey Family, for inviting us to your church for a revival... without the invitation we might never have come all the way out west... it was a wonderful experience and you all are some of the godliest people I know! Thank you for your wonderful example!


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