Review of 2012

January 26, 2013  •  1 Comment

I recently saw that many of the Photographers on the OP blog ( ) did a 2012 Review of their Photography year. While I am only an amateur... I thought this might be an interesting post; as well as helpful to me to know how to better my photography skills.  Reviewing and looking at what you've accomplished can be a good thing.... so here goes!  

February 2012


 March 2012 

Mrs Elizabeth Goodrich! 

After doing her wedding on a Saturday, I and my family headed out to Phoenix the following Monday for a revival. We drove the whole trek of 5,200 miles there and back. It was definitely an experience of a lifetime!


Grand Canyon National Park just before dawn

I must say that I am probably biased, but this is one of my top 5 favorites from 2012. Maybe it's because my siblings are in the pic... I don't know. I think it really depicts God's beauty.

Sunrise at the Canyon

April 2012

The Pacific at Sunset


Gnarly Timberland

 Across the road from my best Friends' house... Taken in June 2012


Later that week, my best friend and I went to Louisville at Sunset. The lights and buildings looked spectacular

The Lights of Louisville

King Family Portraits (this was a very quick 20 minute session) in July 2012

We Have This Moment.... 

Mountain Mist at Dawn 

 Waterfall in Tennessee

In July 2012 I purchased a 60 mm f/2.8 macro lens. This was one of my favorite shots that I have taken with it.

Upside Down

So many times, the beauties that I have captured in Photography have taken sheer, hard work. Sometimes they may not have even been properly depicted in the photo. But for those of us who work to get somewhere in photography; this is all part of that journey. For some, a picture may have ultimate significance and unforgettable memories even if it looks poor in composition. The picture below was one of those examples. It was a strenuous hike to get there, it began raining part way through, and I had to get up unbelievable early to get to the falls at the proper time for the shoot. I went with two of my photography friends and we made some wonderful memories. It was significant to me because I love waterfalls... they just seem to soothe my soul. Even though I really didn't get the best picture of it because the water levels were down.. the memories I made and the view I took in were unforgettable.

Morning Memories

In July 2012 my brothers' Taylor guitar got stolen. Thankfully, our insurance company covered it. As a result, I just had to take a few picts of him with his new guitar. This was one of my favorite shots. 


 Taylor 816

August 2012

Disoriented Hummingbird 

This poor little guy got disoriented. I felt really bad; but mine was the privilege to get to take such a close look with my macro lens. I'll probably never get that privilege again! :( 

September 2012

New Life

It was a wonderful experience to get to come to the Hospital after this little guy arrived! I would love to do this kind of thing more often! 

In love... 

My cousin Andrew Smith, and Fiancee, Maria Hunsaker

Old Man's Cave, OH


October 2012 

Joyously happy

I went to my cousin Stephanie Smiths' hispanic church to photograph all of the families that attend her church. It was a wonderful opportunity! 

Brubeck/Hatfield Wedding

I was hired by Apiacere Photography to help out with this Wedding 

Evening Solitude

Under a bridge somewhere between North Carolina and Virginia

Morning Reflection

Maybrey Mill in Virginia

December 2012

No Title needed


Monica Renee'(non-registered)
Awe... I love the picture with the humming bird! :D You also did a fabulous job on the last photo. The font was perfect, and very creative!! :) Loved it! :D
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